Ascension Vortex

Spiritual Gifts, Manifestation & Divinity Codes

Reawakening to the TRUTH of WHO YOU ARE

2025 is the year where everything changes

A New Era is birthing and 2025 with its many cycles of completions & new beginnings is preparing you to step into your higher divine gifts and Sacred Service

You came here for this

Your unique medicine & frequency is needed & REQUIRED

Sometimes it's really about you getting out of your own way!

your energetic DNA is changing and You're being Called to up level & shift the very structure of your blueprint 

the very core of your reality

You're learning to stabilise yourself in the 5D and move beyond the constraints of space & time into the 7D

This path takes you beyond your Sovereignty Codes and 

into the birthing of your Divinity Codes

 About Your Divinity Codes

Your Divinity Codes lay dormant within your DNA & Lightbody

Ready to be activated 

There is a sequence, a series of energetic frequencies that have to be initiated for you to activate these codes

This is a journey of lifetimes

Profound shifts of consciousness, divine messages & sacred knowledge

Activation of Unique Gifts & Impact in the world

Are you ready to step into this next level?

Some of the Sacred Mysteries we'll dive into ...

Birthing Your Divine Gifts

Connection to Your Star Lineage

Sovereignty & Owning Your power

Accessing your Multi Dimensional Self

Energetic Mastery

Quantum Manifestation

Amplifying Your Intuition & stepping into the mysteries

Dynamics around Holding Your Light

Holograms & Divine Blueprint

Initiations of Polarity

Sacred Sites, Stargates & Inter dimensional travel

about this Sacred Container

Foundational + Quantum Energetics +  Transmissions + Divine Technology

The essence of what you'll receive in this container is NOT the knowledge (although it's very sacred)

You cannot activate these codes with knowledge alone

It's the Transmissions

The Codes

The Shifts in your Morphogenetic field

It's not something you can see, touch, intellectually learn but something to be experienced, felt & received

It's a Reawakening & Remembering of WHO YOU ARE, at the essence of your being

 You'll Receive  

12 x Live Monthly Ascension Code Transmission Calls 

Channelled Teachings & Ancient Wisdoms 

Weekly Holographic Blueprint Sessions 

Optional Upgrade at purchase to receive 1-1 Destiny Mastery Session or Crystal Merkaba Gridยฎ Session with Chloe 

 Being held in this Sacred container means you receive energetic transmissions, expansions of consciousness and encodements  

This is your opportunity to expand & upgrade your Hologram 

To shift the very core state of your BEINGNESS

To begin the Journey from 5D into 7D consciousness 

To activate & awaken your Higher Chakras

Be held in the Crystalline Matrix

Deepen your connection to the Mysteries

Activate & Integrate your Merkaba Codes

Heal & Awaken dormant DNA

As you open up your Hologram and clear any distortions held in your electromagnetic field, you begin to live and experience different realities & travel inter dimensionally 

You anchor your divine, spiritual gifts & abilities and then start to embody them & share your sacred gifts with others

You activate the sacred geometry, light data points, DNA & holographic fields to shift consciousness and recalibrate to the deep inner knowing that you are SOURCE

It is from this point of awareness you weave your magic knowing who you truly are

The divine architect of your reality 

The weaver who weaves her magic & light

 This is potent transformation & Goddess Power

I hold this sacred space for you to take your next quantum upgrade in your ascension journey

 Your Investment

This is a year long container with a higher investment reflecting the potency, passion & dedication to your Ascension Journey

Payment Options

One time payment of $6,833 includes a Bonus 1-1 with Chloe

or payment plans starting from $597

This is the third year that I'am facilitating Ascension Vortex!

This is where you receive all the latest codes, insights & downloads and closest proximity with me.

This is where the magic happens and the reason why I have a 90% repeat rate of returning members 

If you feel the Call & you know that 2025 is the year that every changes then I invite you to join us inside Ascension Vortex

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Now, I understand what you may be thinking - can I really do this? 

maybe you're doubting yourself, not sure what gifts you have, how potent they are and unsure on how to step more into your path of Sacred Service 

But rest assured you wouldn't be here on this planet at this time, with the awareness you have if you didn't have unique gifts & medicine to share with the world

I often find the real issue is a lack of faith and trust in your own abilities and blocks around recognising your gifts and then taking full 100% ownership of them

It's not that you don't have them. It's just you don't recognise them, they haven't been fully activated (until now) and you're not taking full ownership of them 

This is what we do inside Ascension Vortex

We decode those patterns that have been keeping you locked into lower frequencies 

It's a releasing to REVEAL the TRuth of who you ARE

Once you see & acknowledge this truth you can move forwards in an empowered,courageous way KNOWING who you are and embodying the essence of the DIVINE ARCHITECT - the co creator of your world 

I can't wait to support you to unlock this remembrance WITHIN YOU
