
Destiny Mastery Series  

Queens Chamber, Pyramid of Giza

Awaken Your Divine cosmic goddess Codes

Activations, Transmissions & Sacred Divine Feminine Teachings from the Queens Chamber, Pyramid of Giza

Intuition, Creativity, Manifestation, Psychic Powers & Star Magic  

For thousands of years the divine feminine has been ignored, repressed & suppressed.This created a huge distortion not only within the psyche of humanity but also within our planet.

But this is NOW changing, The Goddess is rising and ready to reclaim her throne

Old patriarchal systems & organisations are collapsing

Mass awakening is occurring as chaos & breakdown lead through to breakthrough & REBIRTH

 This is orchestrated through the Divine Feminine

Each one of us is being invited and called to activate & embody our Inner Goddess at deeper and deeper levels

"In 2013 I felt a deep calling to visit the Pyramid of Giza"...

It was whilst I was in the pyramid that I received a life changing initiation.


I was called to take awakening souls into the pyramid energetically to receive life changing keys, codes and infusions of LIGHT


It was several years later after anchoring my Crystal Merkaba Grid Journey technology onto the planet that I was then able to fulfil this aspect of my Destiny.


Initiations with the Pyramid of Giza


The Giza Pyramid is a huge Lightbody activation chamber


Masters, Initiates & Spiritually Awakening Souls would travel thousands of miles to receive Lightcodes, Activations and Awakenings necessary for the next step in their spiritual awakening journey.


Each chamber (Sub terranean, Queens & Kings) activates specific keys, codes and downloads within the initiate. Once the activation completed, the initiate would then spend years if not lifetimes integrating those new frequencies & codes into their body & consciousness


About the Queens Chamber

 The Queens chamber connects you to the Goddess Isis & Sirian frequencies.

Masters would enter into this chamber when they were ready to awaken and activate their Divine Feminine frequencies

Once they had received the infusions of Light they would then go back out into the World and spend the following months, years & lifetimes embodying and integrating these profound Light codes


With this mass awakening occurring on the planet along with the shifts in the planetary grids

many Souls are now feeling called to the energy of this potent sacred site for Destiny Activations, LIGHT INFUSIONS & alchemical transformations


These activations initiate a whole new level of awareness & WAYS OF BEING for that Soul


It's a Divine accelerator for your ascension journey

However, it may not always be possible to physically travel to the Pyramid of Giza...

Over the last few years travel to sacred sites for Light infusions, activations and downloads has become increasing difficult and for many impossible BUT...


With my profound Crystal Merkaba Grid Journey technology you can still receive those potent Lightcodes, templates & keys to take you to your next level of spiritual awakening & empowerment without having to physically travel to Egypt.

We'll travel together through space & time to access specific inter dimensional portals where you can download keys and codes, receive revelations, sacred wisdom & healing.

Feeling called to reawaken your Divine cosmic goddess Codes & reclaim your feminine sovereignty?

Join me on this once in a lifetime opportunity to Reawaken your Divine Feminine Cosmic Goddess Codes inside the Queens Chamber, Pyramid of Giza

Once you've received the initial activation you'll then have 24/7 access to profound Goddess Wisdom teachings, Rituals, Attunements and transmissions to support the integration of these divine cosmic codes into your consciousness & reality

You'll want to revisit these teachings over the upcoming months and years to support the embodiment of your Divine Feminine energy

Discover this unique & transformative Journey



Join me on this profound & transformative journey to reawaken your divine cosmic goddess codes

In this sacred Goddess journey you'll ....

Journey to the
Pyramid of Giza

Infuse keys & codes from the Queens Chamber, Giza pyramid  with Chloe's unique Crystal Merkaba Grid Journeys

Activations &

Receive activations & transmissions to awaken your Cosmic Goddess Codes


 Discover Holographic Blueprint healing to shift your current hologram to align with your divine Goddess


Experience a powerful Sacred Goddess Stargate Gridding. Work with Crystals, Sacred Geometry and specifc Star systems to anchor in light & shift your patterning

Sacred Goddess Teachings

Discover Sacred Goddess Wisdom teachings of the Black Madonna Lineage, Goddess Isis & Raven Power

Receive Keys, Codes, Transmissions & Templates to take you to your next level of Divine Feminine Reawakening!

Module One

Goddess Activations, Transmissions & Initiations

In this module you'll receive transmissions, activations and divinely orchestrated initiations to begin your Sacred Goddess Journey. This is where we shift your patterning at its most core and fundamental level. This will be facilitated with Chloe's unique Crystal Merkaba Grid Journey technology

Crystal Merkaba Grid Journey
to Giza Pyramid

Transmissions & Activations from the Queens Chamber

Travel interdimensionally through time & space to enter into the Queens Chamber, inside the Pyramid of Giza.Here you'll discover the mysteries of this cosmic lightbody chamber, the magic of the Goddess Isis & receive divinely orchestrated initiations, transmissions & activations to awaken your divine cosmic goddess codes.This activation will initiate a whole new cycle in your spiritual empowerment journey

Module Two

In this module you'll discover Chloe's unique Holographic Blueprint technologies

Holographic Blueprint

Create Your New Holographic Template

Discover this unique blueprint shifting technology.Our reality is ultimately created through holograms.

By accessing the energy at the holographic level it's possible to re template and shift your current hologram

This can create dramatic shifts in your body and reality

This technology is orchestrated by the Goddess and personified through the Goddess Isis

Chloe will explain this unique spiritual technology, why it's being rebirthed back onto the planet and how it works with and beyond your Lightbody to co create new realities

Module Three

Sacred Goddess Wisdom Teachings 

In this module we'll explore Sacred Goddess teachings including Black Madonna Lineage, Raven Power, High Priestess powers , Goddess  Isis, Mary Magdalene & Mother Mary. We'll work with invocations, rituals & transmissions so you can attune your energy field to these higher vibrations to support your Goddess awakening

Discover SAcred Goddess
Mystery Teachings

Goddess Wisdom Teachings

Immerse yourself in sacred goddess teachings, rituals, invocations & transmissions in support of your Inner Goddess rising.

We'll go deep into the Black Madonna teachings - an underground Priestess lineage of alchemy, magic & healing.

Using invocations, rituals & prayers we'll connect and open up our divine goddess codes.

Module Four

SAcred Goddess Embodiment & Closing Ceremony

Discover the power of embodiment in your Cosmic Goddess journey

Sacred Goddess Embodiment

Ancient Sacred Goddess Ritual 

Knowledge is power BUT the practice of embodiment is where you'll experience the magic as a living reality. In this module you'll learn how to create an embodiment practice for yourself so that you can live & express your divine feminine energy out into the world

You'll also experience a profound closing ceremony facilitated live inside Chloe's Goddess Temple at her sacred land in England.

three steps to awakening your Goddess codes


Once you join your Higher Self will start the internal work ready for entry into the Queens Chamber

You'll also receive an email with access to the Crystal Merkaba Grid Journey, Holographic Blueprint Session, Rituals, Transmissions & Attunements


As with all Goddess teachings - this is an internal journey.

It's not so much the knowledge but the transmissions and light encodements that are activated from deep within you.

Each time you listen another layer will be unlocked & activated


Once activated it's time to integrate those shifts through daily practices of meditations and working with invocations, prayers & other spiritual tools

This is why all the trainings & transmissions are available for you in a beautiful dedicated website where you'll have 24/7 life time access

You'll Also receive these 5 Exclusive Goddess Bonuses

Goddess Bonus # 1

Black Madonna

Connect to this unique & powerful live recorded channelling from Rocamadour, Sacred Black Madonna site in Southern France. Feel the deep, profound frequency of Our Lady of Rocamadour.

Here's what others experienced after listening to this meditation:


"Simply breath taking" Maggie

"Amazing meditation. the power is so intense, pure and sacred" Belinda

"This is the most beautiful and high frequency "charged meditation I have ever experienced." Dee

Goddess Bonus # 2

Lunar Goddess Codes

Lunar codes are an integral aspect to awakening your Cosmic Goddess Codes

As you anchor deeper layers of Lunar Codes you'll facilitate more flow, heightened levels of intuition and awakening your psyche

In this frequency meditation you'll:

∆ Consciously absorb Lunar Codes

∆ Delve deeper into your subconscious to clear patterning & discover hidden gifts

∆ Allow more flow, magic & synchronicity into your life

Goddess Bonus # 3

Goddess Transmission

In this Goddess Transmission you'll:

∆ Infuse higher frequencies of Light for deep alchemical healing in body & consciousness

∆ Connect to the Goddess and all her powerful attributes

∆ Create Oneness & Unification through polarity

∆ Birth a new sense of self

Goddess Bonus # 4

Sirian attunement

In this Goddess Transmission you'll:

∆ Infuse higher frequencies of Light for   deep alchemical healing in body & consciousness

∆ Connect to the Goddess and all her powerful attributes

∆ Create Oneness & Unification through polarity

∆ Birth a new sense of self

Goddess Bonus # 5

Venus Activation

Upgrade your life with this Venus Activation. 

Areas of your life for upgrade include Love, Harmony, Money, Abundance & Beauty.

The Goddess is Calling You

Listen to her Whispers & embody her gifts ...

Strengthened intuition & psychic abilities

supercharged Creative Energy

Direct Access to your HIgher Self

accelerated manifestation Powers

Ability to relax, surrender & let go

In tune with the rhythms and cycles of life

Deeper connection to Mother Gaia

Self Love & Compassion

Birthing of New Realities

Flow, Magic Synchronicities

Awaken your Goddess codes & ignite Your
DEstiny & Purpose

Love for Chloe's Goddess Offerings ...

I cannot express how much better I feel!

"I love the Crystal Grid Journeys and having set meditations to work with every month. when I run the frequencies this way on myself, morning and evening, I cannot express how much better I feel!"

I was in tears of Gratitude

"I was in tears of gratitude for I felt my womb for the first time, not mentally or just trying to visualize, I saw beauty, blackness and blankness, purity, innocence and love and I cried myself a river as I dreamed of being a woman and just feel for eons."

Like No Other Experience I Have Had !

"These activations are deep, mysterious & profound. I have been working as a professional psychic & healer for 20 years but this work Chloe is offering in the Earthstar Temple is like no other experience I have had ”

So harmonious & filled with high frequency

"Chloe’s voice is so harmonious and filled with high frequency and the Merkaba Grid Journeys are so healing."

The Best Mentor I Know

“Chloe's amazing divine gifts as a light bearer, makes her the best mentor I know… and I’ve known quite a few on my spiritual path. I just love her and all that she offers”

This was extremely powerful!

"This was extremely powerful and at the end of the meditation I was sobbing and it ended as quickly as it started but it was definitely a big release."

It felt so powerful and magical and I have definitely had a third eye shift

"Thank you so much for such an amazing activation following the healing. It felt so powerful and magical and I have definitely had a third eye shift. The monthly healings are so wonderful and you do an amazing job supporting us all."

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frequently asked questions?

Q. How much of my time will it require?

You have lifetime access to this course and so can take it at your own pace
Some of the meditations are only 10 minutes long so easy to fit into your day
Trust your intuition and guidance and to how often to listen and work with these transmissions
It may only be once every week or so or every day
That's up to you and your Higher self

Q. I've been on the Spiritual Path for many years now. Will this course have anything to offer me?

Yes, absolutely.
The frequencies that Chloe channels through support you no matter where you are on your ascension path whether you are just awakening or whether you are a seasoned Master the energy will work for you to support you to take your next step.

Do I have to have taken Destiny Mastery I first?

No, you can start straight away with this course
However, you may feel guided to also work with the first Destiny Mastery with the journey to the subterranean chamber.
