
spiritual awakening WORKSHOP

A Step by Step Spiritual Transformation Workshop + Immersive Experience Journey

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Only £497

A Step by Step Spiritual Transformation Workshop + Immersive Experience Journey 

what's included in this workshop...

4 Hours + Sacred Teachings
to expand your knowledge, awareness & consciousness

Powerful Activations
to ignite your Lightbody & Merkaba codes 

Destiny Blueprint 
navigate your Souls Journey by discovering  which your destiny phase 

My CAD process
for deeper shifts of consciousness & awareness in the moment

Light Transmissions 
for infusions of keys & codes to expand your Lightbody

Daily Blueprint
so you can ground, anchor & fully embody your Light mission & purpose 

Full Immersion
for full body & energy system shifts 

Decode & Recode
for profound transformation & living your 5d reality 


Discover Your Destiny Mastery Blueprint

  • Your Destiny Mastery Blueprint & which phase you currently are in
  • How to move from one Destiny phase to the next 
  • The bigger picture to any spiritual journey  

Power of Purification

  • The secret to creating permanent change & transformation
  • My CAD process & why this is your key to decoding
  • Your core wounding  & what this means to your spiritual growth
  • Clear past life karmic wounds & cords that have kept you locked and vibrating at a lower frequency

Expanding Your Light

  • How to infuse light to expand your Lightbody & crystalise your Spirit
  • What spiritual technology is and what's really involved in the ascension process
  • What makes sacred sites so powerful & why the Masters would travel to them

Your Daily Destiny Blueprint

  • Daily steps you need to take to activate & accelerate your Destiny
  • How to anchor, ground & embody Light so you can live your spirituality
  • Radiate your Light & live your highest version self 

 + 4 Bonus Activations

Immersive Activations & Light Language Transmissions

Use these light encoded activations & transmissions daily for decoding and recoding to stay aligned with your Higher Self, Destiny & Purpose

BONUS 1 – Awakening Call Transmission

Travel back into ancient times to realign to your purpose & reconnect to your passion & joy.  

Experience the magic of the Light language and allow its codes to absorb you in a blanket of security, nurturance & support.  

This is a perfect  to use whenever you feel stuck in the 3D, disoriented, overwhelmed and in need of realignment to your higher purpose.

BONUS 2 – Clear, Release Transmute Meditation

Clear karmic cords and distortions that have been depleting you & feeling stuck.

 Purify lower emotions such as anger, fear, jealousy & judgement by transmuting these vibrations inside the cauldron of your heart 

Perfect for empaths & sensitives

BONUS 3 – Expand Your Lightbody Meditation

Delve deeper into the chambers of your heart, expand your lightbody and crystalize your Light.

Experience Light Language that transmits keys & codes for Light expansion & unlocking dormant codes in your DNA

BONUS 4 – Temple Gathering & Activation

Be transported through time & space into the Ascension Temple.

Receive deep Healing, Realignment, Shifts of Frequency & Connection to the Spiritual Realms

Take Your Next Step in Your Spiritual Transformative Journey 
