
Amplify Your Divine Service

& Share Your GIfts & Abilities with the world

Share your gifts with the world by mastering the internal energetics needed to sustain a 5d business

This is your next step in your self mastery journey.

It's a journey of sovereignty, birthing & owning your gifts, manifestation & abundance.

This takes a whole new level of mastership where you create your living temple by manifesting through your gifts

There are a diverse range of keys & codes that you need to activate and embody within your energetic architecture to master & sustain a 5d business

Here are some of the workshops & courses I offer to upgrade your Spiritual business to the next level through embedded transmissions, codes & activations

Spiritual Business Workshops + Impact membership

Divine Soul Business Accelerator Program

Key transmissions, codes & energetics that took my passion & service work from barely making a few $100's month to multiply 6 figures biz. 

Evergreen Energetics Workshop

If you're a spiritual entrepreneur, healer, coach etc and have or considering starting a soul led business you may feel drawn to adding an additional  income stream of recurring revenue. This type of income stream is like the holy grail of business but yet energetically it can be challenging to navigate

There are numerous courses, workshops and trainings on how to set up funnels, membership sites etc but not many are talking about the impact of mind set on an evergreen product and even less are talking about the multi dimensional aspects involved in having a successful evergreen income stream. 

In this training I'll be sharing with you the infinity codes necessary as well as the shifts in energetics and mindset that you need if you wish to have a highly profitable evergreen product

New Earth Healer Codes Masterclass

Energetic codes to shift your internal reality & receive the Divine Service Template to create a new grid within your energetic field

Impact Membership 

Access the range of quantum biz transmissions & activations including a years pass to the Temple.

Included in this yearly membership are all of the above workshops  ( Divine Soul Business Accelerator, Evergreen Energetics, New Earth Healer Codes) + years subscription to the Temple + weekly holographic blueprint sessions 
