
New Earth Manifestation Vortex Course

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New Earth Manifestation Vortex Course

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Introduction - Your Frequency is Your Currency Welcome to Module 2 ✨ 🎉 🎉 It's so amazing to hear all your beautiful New Earth intentions, visions & goals. As I read them all I get a real sense of what New Earth is going to look like - which is so inspiring 🙏🏾 ✨ This is the module that if you fully embody the teachings will dramatically magnetise your new earth visions to you 🦄 💫 This is at the very core of your inner play and something that you'll be wanting to embody on a daily basis.

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Welcome to Module 3 🎉 ✨ 🦄 Apart from becoming a vibrational match, learning how to shift hidden blocks rapidly is key too 🗝️ In reality the two work together, synergistically 💜 That's because you have to create energetic space within you that is in alignment to your manifestations 🌟 This does not have to be a long drawn out process at all - but it does have to be consistent if you wish to continually upgrade & uplevel 🙌 😍

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