
Quantum Manifestation 2.0

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Quantum Manifestation 2.0

Premium course

In this module we explore the structural foundations of your reality & how to shift your energy on both a foundational & quantum level

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In this Merkaba Meditation download keys and codes from the base world chakra.

Video lesson

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Text lesson

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Energetically connect to the future you version through time and space to collapse space & time to quantum leap your manifestations. Listen to this activation as often as you feel guided

Audio lesson

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In this module we tap into the vibrational plane to shift & transmute our emotions to become a vibrational and energetic match to that that we wish to manifest. This is like rocket fuel to your manifestation process

Video lesson

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In this Merkaba Meditation download keys and codes from the world sacral chakra.

Video lesson

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Text lesson

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Use this procedure whenever you are feeling stuck or just a little too much in your head, or if you recognise you are in avoidance patterns or feeling overwhelmed. It will guide you to shift your emotions and recalibrate and realign to that which you wish to manifest.

Audio lesson

Premium course

In this module we tap into the mental plane to shift and transmute thoughts/beliefs/perceptions to create more momentum and amplify our Vortex of Creation

Video lesson

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In this Merkaba Meditation download keys and codes from the world Solar Plexus chakra.

Video lesson

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Text lesson

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Text lesson

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In this module we'll explore how to connect with the elemental realms to access the magic, synchronicities and miracles of conscious manifestation.

Video lesson

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In this Merkaba Meditation download keys and codes from Tara, the world chakra for the second chamber of the heart

Video lesson

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Text lesson

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Audio lesson

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In this bonus module Masterclass I share how I work intuitively with the downloads I receive to bring through my offerings. I explain how I work from the point of inspiration to the final delivery of the offering and feel this will be really insightful for many of you. Hopefully you'll find it inspiring, especially if you run your own business to create content, or if you work spiritually as a channel to bring out your offerings in some way or form.

Video lesson