Spiritual Awakening and Accelerator Workshop
Module 1 - Your Destiny Mastery Blueprint
Premium Workshop
Discover Your Destiny Mastery Blueprint & which Phase you are Currently in โข Why we are in a huge rebirthing portal & what you need to do to ride this wave and not sink into the negativity โข The Destiny Mastery Blueprint โข What you can do right now to support yourself in this enlightenment journey โข How to realign yourself to your Destiny & Purpose โข Immerse yourself in the profound vibration of the Awakening Call frequency meditation
Premium Workshop
Immerse yourself in this other worldly frequency meditation and attune to the vibration of the Awakening Call. This is a perfect meditation to use whenever you feel stuck in the 3D, disoriented, overwhelmed and in need of realignment to your higher purpose.
Module 2 - The Power of Purification
Premium Workshop
Create Permanent Change and Transformation โข The secret to creating permanent change and transformation โข My CAD process and why this is your key to decoding โข Your core wounding and what that means to your spiritual growth process โข Work with the transformative energy of Transference Healingยฎ to clear karmic cords and lower emotions that have kept you locked and stuck in a lower vibration
Premium Workshop
Work with the powerful Transference Healingยฎ procedure of the Feeling Vortex to clear karmic cords and distortions that have been depleting you. Clear lower emotions such as anger, fear, jealousy & judgement by transmuting these vibrations inside the cauldren of your heart Perfect for empaths & sensitives
Module 3 - How to expand your Light
Premium Workshop
How to Infuse Light to Expand your Lightbody & Crystallise your Spirit โข How to infuse light to expand your Lightbody & crystalize your Spirit โข What spiritual technology is and what's really involved in the ascension process โข What makes sacred sites so powerful
Premium Workshop
Delve deeper into the chambers of your heart, expand your lightbody and crystalize your Light
Module 4 - Your Daily Destiny Blueprint
Premium Workshop
The Daily Steps you need to Take to Activate & Accelerate your Destiny โขย The daily steps you need to take to activate & accelerate your Destiny โข. About the Earthstar Temple
Premium Workshop
Be transported through time & space into the Ascension Temple for healing, realignment, shifts of frequency & connection to the spiritual realms