
upcoming events

August 29 - Ascension Vortex Module 9

  • Thursday 29th August 4pm UK time
  • Live Call With Chloe
  • Venue: Ascension Vortex space inside Circle community
  • Live Call links: inside the space
  • Replays:Ascension Vortex members

Topic: to be confirmed

Available to: Ascension Vortex members

September 17 - Monthly Planetary Grid Transmission

  • Tuesday 17th September at 8pm UK time
  • Live Call With Chloe
  • Venue: Zoom call
  • Live Call links: via email nearer the time
  • Replays:Temple Activate/Impact members

Topic: Black Madonna & the Divine Feminine Mysteries - Chartres Cathedral, France

Available to: All Temple members

September 23 - Ascension Upgrade & Integration Call

  • Monday 23rd September at 8pm UK time
  • Live Call With Chloe
  • Venue: Our Circle Community: Temple Activate - Ascension Update & Integration Call space
  • Live Call links: inside the space nearer the time
  • Replays: available inside the space & Temple Activate home page

Topic: Energetic heads-up, integration of Planetary Grid Transmission and Holographic Blueprint® session.

Available to: Temple Activate & Impact Members

Not a member? Apply Here

September 25 - Planetary Codes Embodiment Kit

  • Uploaded by Wednesday 25th September
  • No Live Call 
  • Venue: Temple Home page 
  • Live Call links: NA
  • Replays: NA

Topic: Planetary Codes Embodiment Kit uploaded to your Temple Home page, to support you to integrate and embody the Planetary Transmission frequencies.

Available to: All Temple Members

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