activate Your
multi Dimensional Self to
Experience the Magic
awaken your unique gifts
Unlock your Highest Purpose Codes

Unlock your destiny codes to rapidly expand into more of your purpose, gifts & Abundance
Activate your multi dimensional self through decoding restrictive patterning and recoding higher frequencies of Light
This is a profound transformation as you open up to your intuition, access your psychic abilities, learn to trust your inner guidance and receive activations & transmissions in support of your spiritual empowerment journey
Hey, if we haven't met before, I'm Chloe
I work with Lightbody & Grid technology to activate dormant codes, facilitate inter dimensional shifts, and awaken unique gifts.
This sacred work involves tapping into your multi dimensional self for infusions of Light, shifts of consciousness & expanded states of awareness
I have guided thousands of clients, facilitating sacred activations, transformative workshops & activating divine ascension technology to create profound transformations and growth.
Experience the Magic of Chloe's Transformative Activations & Transmissions
Love for Chloe's Work
Ways that we can work together
Live Planetary Grid Transmissions
Join Chloe every month and work with other Lightworkers from across the world to direct Light to key grid locations around the planet.
As you serve in Planetary Healing, you’ll also absorb specific lightcodes that will support, uplift & expand your unique ascension journey.
Galactic Activation Sessions
Receive galactic activations & transmissions to upgrade your DNA, shift your energetic structure and recalibrate your hologram on a regular basis.
These events are live as the galactic beings come through to support the grid shifts and the shifting of your own grid matrix
Earthstar Temple Activate & Impact
Sustain yourself in crystalline frequencies of Light on a daily basis as you master your ability to Decode, Recode & Realign - the foundation to your ascension journey
This is Chloe's signature ascension container where you have everything you need to shift frequency rapidly, activate dormant codes, travel to sacred site portal around the globe and have 24/7 access to potent ascension technology
*Also an option to include Chloe's business energetic programs for a deep dive on the shifts needed energetically to birth & sustain a successful business
More Love from our community...
I was in tears of Gratitude
"I was in tears of gratitude for I felt my womb for the first time, not mentally or just trying to visualize, I saw beauty, blackness and blankness, purity, innocence and love and I cried myself a river as I dreamed of being a woman and just feel for eons."
The Best Mentor I Know
“Chloe's amazing divine gifts as a light bearer, makes her the best mentor I know… and I’ve known quite a few on my spiritual path. I just love her and all that she offers”
Like No Other Experience I Have Had
These activations are deep, mysterious & profound. I have been working as a professional psychic & healer for 20 years but this work Chloe is offering in the Earthstar Temple is like no other experience I have had”
This was extremely powerful!
"This was extremely powerful and at the end of the meditation I was sobbing and it ended as quickly as it started but it was definitely a big release."
So harmonious & filled with high frequency
"Chloe’s voice is so harmonious and filled with high frequency and the Merkaba Grid Journeys are so healing."
It felt so powerful and magical and I have definitely had a third eye shift
"Thank you so much for such an amazing activation following the healing. It felt so powerful and magical and I have definitely had a third eye shift. The monthly healings are so wonderful and you do an amazing job supporting us all."
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