

Earthstar Temple Blueprint

Welcome Warrioress to your Earthstar Temple Blueprint. 

Use this blueprint as often as you feel guided and especially when you're trying to break through any limitations, blocks or initiations  

You as a warrioress


Sacred Sites





frequency meditations

Working with this frequency meditation will support you to clear & release wounded Warrioress codes so you can shine your Light out into the world. Listen to this meditations as often as you feel guided.

standing in your light Frequency Meditation

Perfect for when you're clearing limitations, giving away your power & needing more Light

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Further Recommendations Inside the Earthstar Temple

cutting cords, heart meditation

cutting cords, heart meditation

sacred site journey Activations

Sacred sites contain codes, keys and templates that will over time enable you feel your inner strength, gain peace of mind and embrace who you truly are. Travel inter dimensionally through time & space to access these sacred portals and vortex's with Chloe's unique Crystal Merkaba Grid technology.

Discover mystery school teachings and experience the magic of other worlds & dimensions.Listen to these journeys whenever you feel guided.

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Further Recommendations Inside the Earthstar Temple for the Warrioress Archetype

uluru, australia

Work with your Solar Plexus for your empowerment journey

city of london, england

Receive initiations & clearings to support your empowerment process

crystals for the warrioress

Crystals are powerful lightworker tools.
They hold specific frequencies that when tapped into energetically can create profound alchemy in your body & consciousness


Spiritual Love, Rejection, Inner Confidence


Majesty, Passion, Power


Protective, Balance, Grounding


Grounding, Protection, Root Chakra

Absorb the crystalline properties of that crystal by listening to the Crystal Meditation

affirmations for the warrioress

" I feel my inner strength & light.
I am directly connected to source.
I am worthy & loved "

animal magic totems 

Animal Totems are powerful beings. You can work with these totems daily to help you shift your frequency and tap into your gifts. 

* Animal Magic Cards by Alexis Cartwright available in our shop

Step 1

Choose one the cards below

Step 2

Connect to the energy of the card and ask to pull in the energy of that being to support you throughout the day




