Chartres Black Madonna Codes Journey (LifeTime Access)

Journey to an inter dimensional grid point accessible from Chartres Cathedral, France. Underneath Chartres Cathedral is a Holy Well that arises from a more ancient sacred spring that was enclosed with a grotto.
This ancient site connects to the Black Madonna energy – a hidden lineage of Goddess teachings
In this profound journey you’ll be transported to this grid location to tap into and absorb the Black Madonna Codes
These Black Madonna Codes support you to:
  • Connect with nature, elements & elemental for healing, rejuvenation & longevity
  • Open up your intuition & psyche for more flow, abundance & shifts of consciousness
  • Work with your shadow side to step into your authentic power
  • Honour & remember the truth of your co creative powers

This journey is approx 80 minutes long and includes Light transmissions, downloads, channelings & a sacred site activation.

You’ll have Lifetime access to the video & audio to watch/listen as often as you feel guided
