Alchemical Union

This is a beautiful grid, connecting you to the mystical realm of Avalon, the Goddess teachings and the Inner Earth Kingdoms so you can experience the magic of alchemy, healing and rejuvenation.   

Crystal grids are a combination of specific crystals, symbols and sacred geometry that blend together to create a unique field of energetic harmony and focus.  Each individual crystal grid resonates its specific energy out into the surrounding environment, creating a higher vibration and new holographic reality around it.  When working, meditating or living in this space you are instantly connected to that energy which enables you to experience the energetic frequency, absorb the vibration and come into alignment with it, so that you resonate at the frequency of the new holographic reality and all its potential.

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Sacred Geometry 

  • Vesica Piscis This sacred symbol has been used for thousands of years and is an integral part of the flower of life. It represents the balance of the physical and spiritual realms, the female energy and divine creation. 


  • Hematite – This energy is associated with the earth element due to its powerful grounding & protective energies. It dissolves negativity and creates a protective field to shield you from the projections of other people and enhances the grounding of higher frequencies into the body & consciousness, supporting you to fully embody any shifts or transformations.
  • Clear Quartz – This crystal strengthens and enhances the combined energy of the crystals, sacred geometry and symbols contained within this grid.  It amplifies the energy and attunes to the specific vibrational requirements of each person, in this grid it will enable you to connect to the energies of Avalon, where you can experience the magic of Gaia and the Inner Earth realms for healing and rejuvenation.   
  • Rose Quartz – It’s super important to work from a heart centred space when connecting to the Inner Earth realms. Rose quartz is the perfect crystal energy for opening and balancing the frequency of the heart and bringing you back to a space of unconditional love and compassion. It soothes the emotions and enables you to be gentle with yourself and with others as you go through your own healing and rejuvenating process.
  • Rhodonite – Containing the pink ray, this crystal energy works to strengthen the emotions and support the opening of the heart centre. It can help to reveal and transmute emotional scars and painful memories, clearing any residual negativity still held within the body and consciousness.  This creates the necessary alchemy for forgiveness, which supports the healing and rejuvenation of the heart centre. 
  • Aquamarine – Resonating to the water element this crystal energy contains the pale green/blue ray of the ocean and will cleanse the emotions, calm fear and bestow courage in dark times. It supports elevated states of consciousness and spiritual awareness and links us to the mystical realm of Atlantis for guidance, heart felt self-expression and healing.  
  • Moonstone – This crystal energy is associated with the Goddess, the moon, the tides and the cycles of life. It supports the Divine Feminine qualities of intuition, fertility, love and magic and inspires us to follow our dreams. Its surface is reflective, which reminds us to make time to look within ourselves and connect back to the Eternal Mother in order to access our own inner strength and power. 
  • Prehnite – This crystal energy invokes higher states of consciousness and intuition and restores depleted energy by linking us back to the global grid for rejuvenation and re-alignment. It’s pale green ray links to Gaia, the animal, fairy and inner earth kingdoms and shows us how to commune and live in harmony with the elemental forces for increased tranquillity, unity and healing.
  • Chytha Stone – Containing the energies of serpentine and jade this crystal resonates the green ray of Gaia consciousness, nature and healing.  It will clear toxic energies from any level of your being and bring you back to nature for healing, grounding and reconnection to the generosity of the heart spirit. This stone amplifies kindness, charity and compassion, teaching us to give and receive from the heart.  
  • Pink Moonstone – This crystal energy is associated with the Goddess, the moon, the tides and the cycles of life.  The pink hue is strongly associated with the power of the Divine Feminine and the qualities of intuition, fertility, love and magic, which inspire us to follow our dreams. Its surface is reflective, which reminds us to look within ourselves and connect back to the Eternal Mother for healing and rejuvenation. 
  • Fleur-de-lys Shell – The ancient symbol of the Fleur-de-lys is taken from the shape of the iris flower and in this grid signifies the perfection of creation that we see every day around us in the natural world. It also signifies the purity and courage needed for our own personal journey towards enlightenment and how Gaia and her Kingdoms are always there to support us.   
  • Selenite – Coming from the white ray, this crystal represents the transformation of the physical 3D body into one of crystalline 5D consciousness. It creates a state of harmony between the physical and spiritual realms and in this grid it will enable a flow of high frequency energy to clear and re-align the chakras and transmute negativity within the astral plane. 
  • This Sacred Grid contains:-  

    1 x Hematite

    4 x Clear Quartz points

    4 x Rose Quartz, 

    4 x Rhodonite

    4 x Aquamarine

    2 x Moonstone

    2 x Prehnite

    4 x Chytha Stone

    4 x Pink Moonstone

    1 x Fleur-de-lys Shell

    4 x Selenite
