Master Merlin Sacred Oil

This sacred ritual oil awakens a deeper connection to the energies of Merlin, a powerful magician or magi and High Priest of druidic order. Its intoxicating scent will help you to master your own Dragon Power for physical and psychic protection, and the embodiment of Divine Will. This oil will support you to surrender the ego to divine forces, so you can experience the mysteries.

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Doorway Keeper  

This sacred ritual oil awakens a deeper connection to the energies of Merlin, a powerful magician or magi and High Priest of the druidic order. He was a spiritual teacher and a psychic visionary who advised King Arthur throughout the building of Camelot’s Golden Age. He also had associations with the goddesses of Avalon and Glastonbury, including Guinevere, Morgan Le Fay and The Lady of the Lake, and once incarnated on Earth as Saint Germain.

Merlin’s magical powers enabled him to enter interdimensional realms, drawing upon the energies of the crystalline grid to create a source of energy for healing and self- empowerment. He communed with ancient elemental beings, including dragons, who taught him powerful teachings that enhance our ability to purify, protect, self-heal and become spiritually empowered; Dragon Power. He also understood the wisdom of transference to imbue objects like staffs and wands with living energy, to banish negativity and create through intent.

Then used for meditation, prayer or initiation, the spicy aroma and crystalline frequency of this sacred oil will call upon the powerful presence of Merlin to awaken your powers of manifestation in every sense of the word. When worn as a cologne or perfume, its intoxicating scent will help you to master your own Dragon Power for physical and psychic protection, and the embodiment of Divine Will. This oil will support you to surrender the ego to divine forces, so you can experience the mysteries. It will connect you to the magic of interdimensional realms for transference, alchemy, healing and the manifestation of change so you can help build your own Golden Age reality on earth.

15ml glass bottle with roll on applicator.


Essential oils of Lavender, Oak Moss, Cedarwood and Angelica Root, with a Dragon’s Blood Oil base.
