

We’re living in unprecedented times! The world is in chaos as old systems are breaking down to allow new ones to be birthed. This can be extremely challenging as we’re pushed to go deep within the very essence of who we are and connect to what is truly important to us and how we live our lives. 

Key Themes for this month are:

Feeling safe

Healing wounding around communication

Clearing the astral planes & negativity within your environment

Shifting frequency rapidly

Setting intentions & staying focused on what you would like to co create in your life

If you’re a member of my monthly Earthstar Temple, this group healing will really support you to work through these triggers. You’ll also find my personal recommendations for you for this month below


Higher Self Frequency Meditation

Chakra Clearing, Balance & Charging Frequency Meditation

Crystal Merkaba Grid Journey - Absolute Balance Fairy Portal

Throat Chakra Frequency Meditation ( coming soon)

How to Clear, Heal & Revitalise Your Throat Chakra Mini Workshop ( coming soon )

I highly recommend working with these frequency meditations at least once a day.

Remember you’re trying to clear old patterns & programs that no longer serve you and anchor in higher frequencies of light.

Working with energy & light on a daily basis along with introspection & surrendering is the fastest way to heighten & crystalise these higher frequencies of Light

These meditations, crystal merkaba grid journeys & workshops all have frequencies encoded directly within them.

This is what makes them so impactive.

They’ll support you to keep your chakras open & balanced, your energy flowing well & support you at times when you’re triggered by others around you.

Communication will be a big theme for us this month especially as so many of us are enclosed in confined spaces. Working with the Throat chakra Frequency Meditation & the Throat Chakra Mini Workshop will really help you to work more effectively with all aspects of communication 


As a unique one off support to everyone who feels drawn at this time of global awakening to work deeper within themselves so that they can rebirth & be of service more to their friends, family & wider communities- I am offering a 30% discount off my Earthstar Temple membership for the first month

Right now is the perfect time to work with frequency meditations on a daily basis to shift your frequency, ground, stay balanced & keep your vibe high

To receive 10% off your first months membership use the discount code - AWAKENING at the checkout

To know more about my Earthstar Temple Membership - click here
