
Chiron is the key to your self healing & mastery journey

It’s essentially your core wounding and also where your gifts can be unlocked

We all have a personal Chiron as well as transit through a global Chiron

We are about to enter Chiron in Aries retrograde

This will push each one of us to go within and connect with feelings, emotions, past life woundings that have created energetic blocks concerning our sense of identity, empowerment process, issues around a sense of belonging and self worth.

Having an awareness around your Chiron & what your core wounding is will really help navigate your self healing & self mastery journey

You’ll be able to shed more light on those feelings and emotions that you are experiencing and not make decisions and actions based on your core wounding. This is often what can keep us stuck for lifetimes!

Once you can bring into your conscious awareness your core wounding you can then start to release and let it go

This is a lifetimes journey but the more you can master your Chiron the more you can self heal and unlock your gifts that have been contained within the wound

If you feel drawn to working at a deeper level with your Chiron then here are a few of my recommendations from the Earthstar Temple

Recommendations from the Earthstar Temple


Discover your personal Chiron & work with the Chiron Meditation


Connect to the Solar Plexus world chakra at Uluru, Australia


Each month I facilitate a group Transference Healing® where you’ll receive the profound frequencies of Transference Healing®. We work with the Chiron point in this group session- to clear & release


Right now is the perfect time to work with frequency meditations on a daily basis to shift your frequency, ground, stay balanced & keep your vibe high

To know more about my Earthstar Temple Membership here

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Chiron is the key to your self healing & mastery journey

It’s essentially your core wounding and also where your gifts can be unlocked

We all have a personal Chiron as well as transit through a global Chiron

We are about to enter Chiron in Aries retrograde

This will push each one of us to go within and connect with feelings, emotions, past life woundings that have created energetic blocks concerning our sense of identity, empowerment process, issues around a sense of belonging and self worth.

Having an awareness around your Chiron & what your core wounding is will really help navigate your self healing & self mastery journey

You’ll be able to shed more light on those feelings and emotions that you are experiencing and not make decisions and actions based on your core wounding. This is often what can keep us stuck for lifetimes!

Once you can bring into your conscious awareness your core wounding you can then start to release and let it go

This is a lifetimes journey but the more you can master your Chiron the more you can self heal and unlock your gifts that have been contained within the wound

If you feel drawn to working at a deeper level with your Chiron then here are a few of my recommendations from the Earthstar Temple

Recommendations from the Earthstar Temple

Chiron Workshop

Discover your personal Chiron & work with the Chiron Meditation



Crystal Merkaba Grid Journey

Connect to the Solar Plexus world chakra at Uluru, Australia


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Transference Healing® Group Session

Each month I facilitate a group Transference Healing® where you’ll receive the profound frequencies of Transference Healing®. We work with the Chiron point in this group session- to clear & release


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Feeling drawn to joining the Earthstar Temple Membership

Right now is the perfect time to work with frequency meditations on a daily basis to shift your frequency, ground, stay balanced & keep your vibe high

To know more about my Earthstar Temple Membership here
