

Archangel Michael & the Activation of the Christos Grid

Watch this video to learn more about this amazing Light portal

This may well be one of the most powerful portals of our lifetime

On Monday 21st December in the Northern hemisphere we will experience not only the winter solstice but also the great conjunction where the two brightest planets - Jupiter & Saturn come very close together

Some believe that this will create the Christmas Star/ Star of Bethlehem - just like it did when Jesus was born.

This is highly significant, I feel, as it symbolises and supports the activation of Christ consciousness onto the planet

On this date I have been guided to facilitate a Crystal Merkaba Grid Journey to a powerful vortex just off the coast of Ireland - Skellig Michael. This is where the St Michael Line anchors into our planet.

This line of energy travels through seven main Michael grid points and ends up in the Holy Land

Archangel Michael is the transmuter of negative energy and the great protector

As more Light floods in, this will release more negativity globally

By anchoring higher frequencies of light through at Skellig will allow Archangel Michaels energy to be more fully dispersed throughout this powerful grid

I will facilitate this Crystal Merkaba Grid Journey LIVE on Monday 21st December at 11am GMT

During this Journey you’ll:

✨ Work with the powerful vortex of Skellig, St Michaels Mont & Mont St Michel

✨ Activate & anchor at a deeper level the Christ Grid onto the planet

✨ Connect to the energy of Archangel Michael for transmuting negativity, clearing power plays & attachments

✨ Experience Light Language & anchoring of codes into your Lightbody

You can join me live via Zoom or watch the replay later - which ever suits you best or you are guided to do

This will all be held within our sacred container - the Earthstar Temple

If you feel drawn to this grid work then you can join me inside the Temple

For more details go here


To know more about my Earthstar Temple Membership - click here
