

Live from Rome 

New Moon Transmission 

receive light codes & activations from Rome, city of the angels

Activation + Holographic Blueprint Session 

Select a category below

Spiritual Transformation

Temple Sanctuary

Everything you need to connect to your New Earth manifestations  and create a daily energetic practice  to feel Uplifted, empowered & Serene


Temple Activate

Activate, Accelerate & Unlock your Destiny & Purpose to step into your spiritual power & Birth your gifts & talents


Multi Dimensional Kit

light code activations and Rebirth Ceremony With Transmissions & crystal Merkaba grid Journey To New Grange, Ireland


Portal Of Change  

working with these transmissions & Frequencies will support you to transmute feelings of grief and loss and expand into higher states of love


Chiron Workshop  

Discover Your Core Wounding and how to turn it around, Tapping into your Spiritual Potential & Unlocking your higher Gifts & Talents.  


White Snake Medicine

This Masterclass focuses on the magic of Divine Transformation, supporting the purification process and integration of your lightbody as we move from the 3d into the 5d.  Discover how to anchor more light technology and become more impactful in both your immediate and global environment


Spiritual Awakening

Take your Next step in your spiritual transformative journey to expand your knowledge, awareness & consciousness


Destiny Mastery 

Activations, Transmissions & Purification Teachings From The Subterranean Chamber, Pyramid Of Giza


Awaken Your Divine Feminine Codes

Activations, Transmissions & Sacred Divine Feminine Teachings from the Queens Chamber, Pyramid of Giza


Egyptian Temple Gridding Tour

experience this unique Gridding journey to Egypt & receive divinely orchestrated initiations for your next ascension upgrade. 


Ascension Vortex

Sacred One Year container with divine teachings, activations & transmissions for Alchemy, Magic & Divinity Codes 



Activate Light Codes

New Earth Manifestation Vortex

This Manifestation Vortex Has Transmissions And Light Encoded Activations To Shift Your Energy Field, Activate Light Codes For Manifestation And To Stand In Your Power As A Divine Empowered Soul.


Align to your soul's purpose 

North Star Vision Quest

discover & anchor your highest self vision, supercharge your destiny & align to your deeper soul's purpose


Higher Heart Manifestation Sequence

Connect to your higher heart with this series of Activation & meditation


Quantum Wealth Codes

clear Patterning around wealth & abundance, ignite your abundance codes & embody higher flow states



 Tap into these Divine Teachings, Transmissions & Activations To Support your expansion, re-alignment & recalibration Into A 5 - 7D Crystalline Holographic Matrix


Quantum Manifestation 2.0

New Earth Money Manifestation, Impact & Soul Contribution

Learn How To Tap Into The Quantum Field, Unlock Your Innate Manifestation Abilities & Live Your Highest Life


New Earth Biz

New Earth Healer Codes

Transmissions for light workers, creatives & Healers to shift your internal reality & embody  your life's purpose


Evergreen Energetics

Unblock subconscious beliefs around recurring income, tap into infinite possibilities receive the transmission of the Infinity Codes 


Divine Soul Business

amplify your impact, purpose & manifestation abilities to serve the world through your divine gifts & talents


Questions? email us at [email protected]
