Portal of transformation

The month of August is going to be super intense energetically! We have an eclipse series as well as the annual Lionsgate star portal opening.

Expect to feel this ripple for many months and years to come as you learn how to integrate & assimilate this high energy influx into every aspect of your being.

The eclipse series started with the lunar eclipse of the 7th August. Think of eclipses as super charged full or new moons. So this lunar eclipse is like the impact of a full moon but on steroids! Full moons illuminate the shadows, those aspects that we don’t or cannot see. This is super important as any real & sustainable change can only come from the letting go first. To quote Carl Jung,  

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.

Lunar Eclipses bring up to the surface aspects of ourselves that need to be released so that we can move forward, co create and become more empowered. This is a decoding process, without which it’s impossible to recode those higher codes into our energy field. This is how we build our lightbody in preparation for the anchoring of our Christbody.

This eclipse series in on the Aquarius/Leo Axis. This means that individually and collectively we will be pushed to look at issues around leadership. self confidence, power, creativity, self awareness and your ability to shine your light out into the world, especially when in groups. This may be related to overcoming fear of rejection and stepping into your creative & expressive power. Maybe you have been withholding your gifts ( subconsciously or consciously) out of fear that others would judge, persecute or devalue them. Or maybe your struggling to accept your uniqueness and therefore suppressing your true individuality?

This eclipse will be dealing with issues from the past in relation to all of the above. You may recognise similar patterns resurfacing from 18 years ago – during the 1999 Grand Cross eclipse but often ultimately these patterns come from past lifetimes. Eclipses provide the opportunity for a huge portal of transformation.

As we come through the lunar eclipse portal you may experience feelings or patterns that highlight where your losing your power, where your not stepping into your uniqueness, or shining your light. The gift here is the ability to connect with those thoughts and feelings so that you can gently release them. In doing so you will be able to create powerful new beginnings over the solar eclipse on the 21st/22nd August with the New Moon. 

This is all in conjunction with a numerological Year One – so New Beginnings. Last year it was a year Nine – so a completion and closing. We were preparing the soil, so clearing and releasing the old. This year it’s all about New Beginnings & planting new seeds for this  next nine year cycle. I feel that this month is key to that process. Depending where you are in your unique journey will influence how quickly those seeds sprout and grow – for some it may be a matter of weeks and months for others a little longer. Never the less this is the time of manifestation and planting of those seeds, so that you can co create and sustain yourself in a higher holographic reality. 

Added into this heady mix of energy is the 8:8 Lions Gate Power Portal. This portal is a stargate that floods energy from the great central sun, our sun, sirius, the sphinx and the great pyramid of giza. This wave contains new lightcodes that will be absorbed by the grid especially at power vortex sites around the world. This influx of energy will continue up to the solar eclipse 21st/22nd August.

I have been guided to offer personal sessions to support those of you who feel drawn to working with this eclipse series in a deeper way for the decoding and recoding of your DNA, lightbody integration & downloading of lightcodes.

portal Transformation

Rennes le Chateau, South West France

Isis Chair – Initiatory Portal, Rennes les Bains

It so happens that I am in a very powerful grid location during this eclipse at a Sacred Site area in South West France. This area is full of mystery & magic including Mary Magdalene & Christ energy, naturally forming Star of David & Pentagram for alchemy & lightbody activations, Isis initiatory sites, homeland of the cathars & sirian portal. With the increase of electromagnetic energy into the grid through the eclipses and 8:8 portal all sacred sites will be buzzing.

Isis Chair – Initiatory Portal, Rennes les Bains It so happens that I am in a very powerful grid location during this eclipse at a Sacred Site area in South West France. This area is full of mystery & magic including Mary Magdalene & Christ energy, naturally forming Star of David & Pentagram for alchemy & lightbody activations, Isis initiatory sites, homeland of the cathars & sirian portal. With the increase of electromagnetic energy into the grid through the eclipses and 8:8 portal all sacred sites will be buzzing

Rennes le Chateau Church

I will only be able to offer a handful of sessions over the next few days so please connect with me via email asap if your guided to receive a session from this incredible grid location. These sessions will be absentee and I shall record feedback so that you can be more conscious of what occurred during the session, what your releasing and what your trying to integrate. This will then support you to work with the energy in a much more conscious way creating a more in depth alchemical and lightbody process. 

Many Blessings to you & your journey through this amazing portal of transformation

Chloe xxx
