

We have a very potent & pivotal new lunar cycle starting on the 11th May

Here's a quick line up

11th May - New Moon in Taurus - opportunity for new beginnings around abundance, love & self worth/value

13th May - Jupiter in Pisces - spiritual expansion, abundance & creativity

26th May - Full Moon eclipse - rare blood moon

10th June - Solar Eclipse in Gemini

key themes

This month there is a wonderful opportunity to get organised around your finances & money. This may be both on a physical level and also on an energetic level.

Connect to any thoughts, perceptions & beliefs you may be holding onto in regards to money & abundance. This is the time to release and let go so you can co create more abundance in your life

Expect the unexpected and/or quick changes - eclipse’s accelerate time lines pulling in your destiny path. This can feel a little intense and chaotic. During this phase keep connecting in with your inner guidance and intuition and take action on that


Recommendations for everyone

Stay conscious of any negative thought patterns around money and abundance. This is the perfect time to let them go and plants new more empowering seeds

Keep grounded and connected to the Earth

Tune into your inner guidance & take action on it

Recommendations for Earthstar Temple Members

Garden Of Abundance Meditation - Uncover & release blocks around abundance & money. Plant new seeds and grow your garden of abundance

Grounding Light Meditation - Keep anchoring the light by energetically grounding through the new codes & light streams

Heart Acceptance - support your ability to go with the flow and stay more present 


Right now is the perfect time to work with frequency meditations on a daily basis to shift your frequency, ground, stay balanced & keep your vibe high

To know more about my Earthstar Temple Membership - click here
