Transference Healing, is one of those modalities that is deep, mysterious & profound

In this video I break down what Transference Healing is, where it came from, how it was re established back onto the planet and why it the perfect modality for these challenging times

The next UK Fundamental Training is November 21 22 & 23

Click here for more info on this training

If youā€™re drawn to Transference HealingĀ® but itā€™s not possible for you to train then you can still receive monthly Transference Healing energy in the Earthstar Temple.


Right now, more than ever, receiving high frequency energy & working with a spiritual tool kit is essential to support you to shift your frequency, ground, stay balanced & keep your vibe high on a daily basis

Work with me inside the Earthstar Temple. Youā€™ll receive monthly healings, clearings & instant access to workshops, frequency meditations, activations & sacred site journeys.

To know more about my Earthstar Temple Membership - click here
