
Black Madonna Crystal Merkaba Grid Journey


Black Madonna & the Divine Feminine Mysteries – Chartres, France

Travel energetically to the sacred grid location of Chartres, France for initiations into the Black Madonna, Divine Feminine Mysteries & ancient priestess teachings. Absorb the frequencies of Raven Power & the Black Madonna into your body & consciousness for support to open your psyche & enter the void for personal ascension & spiritual growth.


This Crystal Merkaba Grid Journey to Chartres, France is perfect for:

  • Working with the black ray to access higher frequencies of light for the integration of your lightbody
  • Learning to Surrender to Divine Will for healing & wellbeing
  • Working with Raven Power to open the psyche & connect to Divine Will
  • Receiving a Mary Magdalene initiation into the divine feminine mysteries


The spiritual technologies encoded into this journey will support you to:

  • Receive light codes, initiations and activations into the teachings of the Black Madonna
  • Connect to the sacred lineage of priestess teachings based around the Goddess
  • Access the power of the Black Ray for healing and co-creation
  • Energetically explore the Chartres Crypt where the ancient Druids of Carnute gathered for healings and ceremonies.