Your Spiritual Journey Recommendations
Temple Sanctuary
Everything you need to connect to your New Earth manifestations and create a daily energetic practice to feel Uplifted, empowered & Serene
Temple Activate
Activate, Accelerate & Unlock your Destiny & Purpose to step into your spiritual power & Birth your gifts & talents
Portal Of Change
working with these transmissions & Frequencies will support you to transmute feelings of grief and loss and expand into higher states of love
The Alchemical Union, Chalice Well Gardens, Glastonbury
Alchemical union includes prayers to the Goddess Bridgit & Our Lady of Avalon and will facilitate an energetic connection to Avalon and support you to make a deeper connection to the Goddess
Destiny Mastery
Activations, Transmissions & Purification Teachings From The Subterranean Chamber, Pyramid Of Giza
Awaken Your Divine Feminine Codes
Activations, Transmissions & Sacred Divine Feminine Teachings from the Queens Chamber, Pyramid of Giza